Here is a list of the essences. More are added all the time. If you do not see what you want, just shoot me an e-mail or call the number below.
Almond | Coconut Cream Pie | Leather | Pumpkin Pie |
Amber | Coffee | Lemon Lavender | Purely Herbal |
American Splendor | Cookies For Santa | Lemon Zinger | Rain |
Angel Wings | Cotton | Lilac | Rain Showers |
Apple Blossom | Cotton Candy | Lily of the Valley | Reindeer |
Apple Cinnamon | Country Heather | Lime Kiwi | Raspberry |
Apples & Oak | Crabapple Blossom | Linen | Red Delicious Apple |
Aster | Cranberry | Log Cabin | Red Macintosh Apple |
Auntie's Ginger Bread | Cucumber | Lotus Blossom | Root beer |
Autumn Leaves | Cucumber Melon | Love Spell | Rose |
Baby Powder | Dragons Blood | Magnolia | Rosemary |
Baked Apple Pie | Enchanting Grape | Maine Blueberries | Rosemary Mint |
Balsam Cedar | Eucalyptus | Maine Seacoast | Sage |
Balsam Fir | Fall Harvest | Mango | Sandalwood |
Balsam Vanilla | Festival of Lights | Mango Papaya | Sea Breeze |
Banana Nut Bread | Fig Pudding | Maple Sugar | Sex on The Beach |
Basil | Fireplace | Maple Syrup | Sing a Song |
Bayberry | Fireside | Marigold | Sleigh bells |
Baybreeze | Frangipani | Melon | Snickerdoodle |
Black Cherry | Freesia  | Mid-Summers Twilight | Spiced Plum |
Black Current Vanilla | French Vanilla | Mistletoe | Spiced Pumpkin |
Black Licorice | Fresh Comfort | Mountain Berry | Spring Fields |
Blueberry Muffin | Fresh Cut Grass | Mulberry | Starburst Lily |
Boysenberry | Fresh Cut Lilac | Mulled Cider | Storm Watch |
Br Sugar & Nutmeg | Fresh Mountain Air | Musk | Strawberry Clove |
Butter Cream | Gardenia | Myrrh | Strawberry Cream |
Butterscotch | Ginger Fig | Nagchampa | Strawberry Fields |
Cabernet | Ginger Snap | No Scent | Strawberry Jam |
Campfire Smoke | Ginger Spice | Odor Eliminator | Sugar Cookie |
Candied Chestnuts | Goddess | Ocean | Summer Madness |
Candy Cane | Grandmas Apple Crisp | Orange | Sunclean Linen |
Candy Corn | Grandmas Kitchen | Orange Clove | Sunflower |
Cappuccino | Granny's Green Apple | Orange Mango | Sweet Grass |
Cappuccino Vanilla | Grapefruit | Orange Sherbet | The Maine Woods |
Caramel | Harvest Pie | Orchid | Tobacco |
Carrot Cake | Hazelnut | Oriental Spice | Tulip |
Cedar Wood | Hazelnut Vanilla | Papaya Mango | Vanilla Bean |
Cherry Vanilla | Hillybilly Homebrew | Patchouli | Vanilla Lavender |
Chestnuts & Br Sugar | Hippie Holiday | Patchouli Clove | Victorian Christmas |
Chocolate | Holiday Carols | Peach | Water Blossom |
Christmas Cabernet | Holly Berry | Peaches and Cream | Watermelon |
Christmas Carols | Home for The Holiday's | Peanut Butter | White Cabernet |
Christmas Cookie | Home Sweet Home | Peanut Butter Cup | White Christmas |
Christmas Kitchen | Honeydew Melon | Pear Tart | White Tea |
Christmas Splendor | Honeysuckle | Pena Colada | Wild Blueberry |
Christmas Time | Hyacinth | Peppermint | Wine Cellar |
Christmas Wish | Hydrangea | Pine Needle | Winter Wonderland |
Cinaberry | Incense | Pineapple | Wintergreen |
Cinnamon | Ivory | Pink Grapefruit | Wisteria |
Citrus Blend | Jasmine | Plumeria | Witch's Brew |
Citrus Sage | Key Lime Pie | Pomegranate | Woodland Fern |
Clove | Lavender | Popcorn | Ylang Ylang |
Coconut | Lavender Sage | Pound Cake | |